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How Do You Get a Copy of Your Divorce Certificate in Singapore?

What is the Final Judgment of Divorce in Singapore?

A divorce certificate is issued by the Registrar of the Family Justice Courts. It marks the end of the divorce. With a copy of your divorce certificate in Singapore, you can apply to get remarried at the Registry of Marriages in Singapore. The divorce certificate in Singapore is also known as:

1. Final Judgment of Divorce in Singapore. This is the most common name of the divorce certificate used by laypersons in Singapore.

2. Certificate of Making Interim Judgment Final. This is the official name of the divorce certificate. It is named as such because the Interim Judgment is made final by this Certificate.

3. Certificate of making Decree Nisi Absolute. This is the name of the divorce certificate used by the Courts previously. A “Decree Nisi” is the equivalent of the present-day interim judgment. A certificate making the decree nisi absolute is the equivalent of the present-day Final Judgment of Divorce in Singapore.

The Final Judgment of Divorce in Singapore is granted after all ancillary terms including division of matrimonial assets, quantum of maintenance and children’s custody are resolved. For a simplified uncontested divorce, the day Final Judgment of Divorce in Singapore will be granted approximately 3 months and 1 day after the grant of the Interim Judgment of Divorce.


Significance of the Final Judgment of Divorce in Singapore

The Final Judgment of Divorce in Singapore marks the official end of the marriage. With a copy of the Final Judgment in hand, you can apply to remarry. You may also need the certificate when dealing with HDB flats after divorce (for instance, when you are selling the HDB flat or effecting the transfer of the HDB flat).


Contents of the Final Judgment of Divorce in Singapore

The Final Judgment of Divorce in Singapore will read:

“As no sufficient cause has been shown to the Court within 3 months from the Interim Judgment granted on [insert date] between [spouse A’s name] and [spouse B’s name], why the said Interim Judgment should not be made final, it is certified that:

1. The marriage solemnized on [insert date of marriage] at [insert place of marriage] between [spouse A’s name] and [spouse B’s name] is dissolved.

2. The Interim Judgment granted on [insert date] is made final on this date.”


How Do You Get a Copy of Your Divorce Certificate in Singapore?

The Plaintiff (i.e. person filing for divorce) will apply for it. The application can be made after 3 months after the grant of the Interim Judgment or after the resolution of all ancillary terms.

The application must be made within 1 year of the date of the Interim Judgment or within 3 months from the date of the final Court hearing. If the deadline is missed, a special application must be made for you to get a copy of your divorce certificate in Singapore.

The request for the Final Judgment of Divorce in Singapore is usually made electronically via the elitigation system by the divorce lawyer handling the matter. Otherwise, a personal request can be made at Crimson Logic Singapore. You will need to bring along a copy of your NRIC/ passport and provide information on your divorce case number.


If you have lost your divorce certificate, or need help with getting it, contact us at +6598330314 (whatsapp).

Our price list can be found here.

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